This gorgeous arrangement of pink roses and lilies was part of my wonderful Mother's Day weekend. I am loving gazing upon it as I read my chapter of Esther this morning. The lilies smell so sweet and the roses are opening up beautifully. All arranged in my estate sale hobnail's heavenly!
I was looking through some pictures and realized that these pictures of our baby birds were still on my camera. Weren't they just the cutest things? It was such fun raising them from just hatched babies and seeing them fly away. They were very sweet. I hope raising those birds is a memory my kids never forget. I will never forget them riding on the dashboard all the way to Minnesota.
I had such a wonderful Mom's Day. We were so tired from Saturday that we all slept in quite late and then got up to coffee, croissants and fresh strawberries. Yummy! We decided to run out to my Mother-in-Love's house (she's more a love than a law!) and they still had no electricity from the storm that raged through their area on Thursday night! They were holding up well but yipes...that's a long time! We had a great visit and got to see some recent auction treasures they had purchased. They had quite a bit of tree damage, so the boys are already planning to take the ATV's out with chains and drag limbs to the burn pile.
After we got home, the kids went upstairs and played X-Box and napped. I made a berry cobbler for dessert and then after gifts (a darling cherub bird feeder and the movie Enchanted April along with a significant Barnes and Noble gift card), Jim bbq'd steaks on the grill. We enjoyed them with mushrooms, baked potatoes, garlic bread and creamed spinach. Jim and I enjoyed the creamed spinach...I don't think Sweet Baby M and Big D tried it. I set the table with all my sweet old estate/garage sale finds like a nifty 50's tablecloth, cloth napkins, Blue Willow dishes, etc. It looked very cute and retro. Then we played a new game that I bought while we were in Denver called Gloom. It's very Edward Gorey in theme but a lot of fun.
A good day all in all and now on to a very busy week. School is coming to an end! Yahoo!
Schmooa Kumpst
7 hours ago
1 comment:
Your Mother's Day sounds like it was wonderful! And that vase and arrangement is beautiful!
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