Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Good Morning To You!

Doesn't this just make the day wonderful? Coffee is the way I always start my day. Jim loves regular coffee so that is what I make first but if we drink that down then I make a pot of Trader Joe's Wintery Blend. It is SO good with a dash of Peppermint Mocha creamer. A little spicy, a little creamy and sweet. Yummy!

This last semester of Maggie's senior year she has a strange schedule. She doesn't have to go to school on Tuesday's until 12:00 and the other days are weird too. It's kind of nice for her. She never gets enough sleep so this is a good opportunity for that. Anyway, since she didn't have to get up until later today...I stopped at Panera for bagels on my way home from taking Daniel to school.

Maggie will love waking up to a Panera bagel with cream cheese. I already had my very yummy Gingerbread bagel with honey walnut cream cheese. Daniel will enjoy a warm bagel with butter and raspberry jam when he gets home tonight. If I remember...I can toast it before I go pick him up and wrap it in foil so it is waiting in the seat when he gets in to come home. He would LOVE that! Maybe a little hot chocolate to go along with it!

While drinking my Wintery Blend..my favorite thing to do is read my Bible. I started reading through the Bible in a year again and I like the consistency of it. Today is Genesis 13-15 and Psalm 5. I especially like to read it out of my NIV and then out of The Message. It really is interesting to hear it in modern language but the NIV is like an old friend and I have to read it there too. :)

A book I am currently reading that I think SO many people would enjoy is called A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller. It's just a really great tutorial on incorporating a prayer life. It's full of everyday analogies and situations. Really good!

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